As a volunteer run, not for profit organisation, we rely on memberships, fundraising, donations and grants to keep our work going. 100% of your donation goes directly towards supporting and educating carers affected by an eating disorder along with our work in research and system level advocacy.

Please tell us if you would like a tax deductible receipt.

How We Make a Difference

"thank you for today, your messages were so very valuable and we had much to discuss as PHN’s I know for my self I have learnt to change my own terminology and still learning – even with 4 year olds and encourage families to do the same ie/ especially around labelling food  “good” or “bad” etc and our attitudes about ourselves our bodies, relationships with food etc, and how that reflects on our children,"  

[ EDCS Public Health Nurse presentation ]

"I reached out to this group and got excellent advice."

[ EDCS member ]

"It's pretty overwhelming but there are a lot of parents here who have been through the same thing and come out the other side, so lots of useful advice and support."

[ EDCS member ]

System Advocacy

"I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge you and the team at Eating Disorders Carer Support (EDCS) for your work, experience, and contribution to the health of New Zealanders experiencing eating disorders/mate kai and the support EDCS provides to carers. Your advocacy and concern for a health system that meets the needs of all people experiencing eating disorders/mate kai.

[  former Health Minister Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall ]

Support, Resources & Advocacy for Carers in
New Zealand/ Aotearoa